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Nelly Oostland-Veldhuis is a Dutch painter. She started painting mostly in watercolor. Approximately twenty-five years ago

Never "finished" with watercolor paint
Why watercolor, well the media is still a challenge for her, one is never "finished" with watercolor paint. It is such a challenging form of art practice. Often the paint is very opinionated his own road. And that she finds quite fascinating.

Famous painters
She would like to bring the feeling of joy, when creating a beautiful painting, on others.Her own education she enjoyed from very famous painters such as Hans Peter Nagtegaal, Rob Komala, Bob Tomanovic, Ron Ranson, Ann Blockley etc.
The topics she prefers is painting water, skies and landscapes. Flowers are also a favourite subject.
These are her specialities, closely related to nature. However, she also does still lifes and portraits, but this often commissioned. The lessons are about landscapes, skies, flowers and water.

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